I'm melting.
It's been over 100'c for the last 3 weeks...no rain...no shade...no air conditioning. Imagine being sticky, hot and grouchy and then strapping a plastic bag to your bum.
So as stupid as we might be, Katie has had a lot of "free bum" time as of late.
(Having said that, MUAH to Costco for providing those Kirkland paper towels that are super soaky and cheap!)
Anyways, being the brilliant mommy that I am, I take out her "Royal Potty"... just to see what happens...and wouldn't you know that she waltzes over and takes a pee on it!
Well, hello! It's party time over here at the Martin's! I'm whooping! I'm woo-woo-ing! I'm dancing! I'm screeching!
(ooops, the window are open and surely my neighbors are dialing 911)
I dole out the "potty treats" (melted M&M's) and cross my fingers that it wasn't a fluke.
Fast forward to day 4 and we are still doing okay! She does much better nude and so adding a pull-up just confuses her into thinking she is in a diaper (which she is). This poses a problem for when we actually have to leave the house.
For instance.
We went up to Calgary to celebrate Katie's "God-sister's" 6th birthday, we brought the potty...just in case. I'm not sure what was more bizarre:
Seeing Katie pee in the potty at Esso...on the front seat of the car!
Going to a birthday party with a potty tucked under your arm!
Of course, Katie has to add her own little twist and manipulation to things. She figured out that by yelling "I need potty" and "I have to pee!" results in us running over to her where she woo'd and rewarded with special treats. Good gig. And obviously this will work amazing when it comes time for naps...bedtime...time outs...getting dressed...eating...
Yup, very handy.
Anyways...I'm off to tinfoil my house. Ya, I did say tinfoil...you will see my windows glistening in the scorching, hot sun for miles around. This is what separates the rich from the poor in Lethbridge...tinfoil!
Before I bolt...picture time!
Katie visiting PJ and Lucas
Katie, licking her cake (seriously?) and her God-sister, Maddy.
Bonnie, one of my Best Friends...ever!
She will surely kill me for posting this picture.
pssst. Bon, I like your tits in that top!
Bonnie, you KNEW I HAD to comment!

One that note...tah tah!
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