Sunday, July 24, 2016

Golden Neufeld Productions Presents: Movie night extraordinaire!

Seriously?  Seriously?!!  Is there anything cooler than an outdoor movie party (and ice cream bar, and concession, and matching pj's, and gift bags, and a sleep over outside...jealous yet?)??
Hello, welcome to kid heaven!

The big event was scheduled for Friday, but Mother Nature decided to crash the party.  Literally!
Poor Grammie... (sad face)... she put so much time, energy and love into making the evening special for them. Damn the hail!
But hey...the show must go on!! (And it did...on Saturday!!)

Drum Roll please!!!!

*This is a Golden Neufeld Production*

**please put phones on silent**


(Cousin Leo collecting tickets)

(matching SIS bracelet)

(Matching PJ's..of course)

(who invited this crazy!)

(ice cream bar)


To Grammie: for making the evening a hoot and for her amazing party planning skills
To Papa: for being the work horse and the "outside-on-an-air mattress" sleepover chaperone 

DISCLAIMER: We (adults) were not invited to the Movie Party.  
I might have to pout about this for one more day.  Just saying.

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