Saturday, July 16, 2016

What's a decade between friends?

Random thought today...What ever happened to my blog?  Google Google.
Found it!
Now let's catch up!

I added a kid.
Got divorced.
Went back to school.
Online shopped for a boyfriend.
Found one!
Got engaged.
Moved a gross amount of times.
....and now I am living that 'happily ever after' think that makes people want to throw up a little bit in their mouth.

That should cover it!

you- "What did you do today Nicole?"
me- "Why thank for asking!  I chalked!"
you- "Chalked? Please share!"
me- "I thought you would never ask!"

** I actually (allegedly) walked into the men's bathroom today. Oopsie! I that picture would have been way more fun!**       <-------- yes this happens (moi)

Confession: The chalk board is strictly to mask the tile I loathe.  Why thank you Pintrest!

Looking forward to rekindling our bloggy relationship people!


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