Monday, March 19, 2007

My brain is full

I cannot seem to get in the groove with this post.
Maybe it's because I'm still knee deep in laundry, my house is a disaster, Katie barfed in Totem this weekend (sadly, we were right beside the popcorn stand), Kip is sick now...

"What do you do?". "I clean up my families barf. I'm a barf cleaner".

So moving on...

I've been brainstorming on career ideas. I know, I have 2 years left of my severance package so why panic? Well, I want to be realistic about reentering the work force. I NEED a plan.

So, option A.
Get a job in the Medical Office field. My mom could train me, I'd have easy hours to work around Katie, good holidays. Safest and most stable of options.

Option B.
Go and do the LPN course and work on the delivery/baby ward. This is my ideal but the cost of school, daycare etc would be WAY more than we could handle. I had actually took my severance package with the airlines to do this but we found out I was pg that same month. Ironic huh?

Option C.
Real Estate. I out in left field! My brother brought this up at dinner last night & thought I'd do really well. Coming from Jeff...that is a BIG compliment! They offer evening/Saturday classes at the college, its expensive up front and no doubt tricky to get going. Plus there is the whole boom bust thing. Still, I think I could pull off.

Option D
Had a dream that I owned a Wedding Pavilion with my girlfriend Amber. I got married at this one and have always thought it would be right up my alley to own and run something similar. So expensive to start and your weekends are shot but still...would be amazing!

These ideas of course depend on WHEN and IF I got pg. The whole maybe baby#2 seems to be leaving me in limbo. I want to start down my career path BEFORE my severance runs out so that IF I have to go to school I have money coming in. BUT. I want to be at home for as long as possible with baby #2.
If we conceived right now, I'd have 9 months to be pg and 1 year & 3 months at home with baby. So IF I did need to go to school, I'd have to do it while baby #2 was under 1. Seriously, I couldn't string a sentence together for an entire year after Katie was born... much less write a paper. The longer it takes to get pg...the longer things are put on hold. I don't want to get into something only to have to drop it while I have a child and all. You know, one thing at a time.

Anyways...that is all my deep thoughts for the day. Boring, I know. Sassy momma coming back at you next post. I had to get all these thoughts out so I'd quit dreaming about placenta's, new houses and bridezillas!!

**I've heard that some of you can't leave comments. Anyone know how to fix this problem? I love comments!**



Marina said...

Well I already chatted with you on what I think your best options are, but I wanted to let you know I am here with you, and hoping whatever path you decide to take that is works out for the best for you and your family.

Nikki said...

I can definitely see how stressful this decision could be! In the spirit of optimism and ego boosting, my Auntie Ev thinks you should be writing a book with your mega storytelling talents and charging readers for the laugh therapy. Yeah, everyone has a bright idea until the mortgage bills roll in, right? And, what is it about our brothers that suddenly turned them from being fiercest foes to our biggest supporters and actually people we aspire to be like? Now, that a blog entry in itself. Keep truckin', lady! The answer will come to you in a freaky void of time between Dora and a spit test!

GirlyWarrior said...

I hate having to make those big life decisions .... I mean, wtf, shouldn't we all get a magic 8 ball that tells us what choice is right?
I feel jipped.